Choosing a Massage School

Our Guide selecting and Finding the Best Massage School will assist you in determining the best school for you to attend. From top rated massage schools to one where you receive the best value.

  1. Identify Area of Study – The first step to finding a massage school that is right for you is simply to decide what direction you would like your career to move in. Massage jobs are either focused on the medical aspect of it or the physical training. If you are interested in the medical aspect, some schools specialize in that type of training like our European Medical School Of Massage. For the most part, students desire a general knowledge of massage. There is an option to specialize in certain massage techniques, which include Swedish massage, neuromuscular therapy, medical massage, myofascial release and prenatal massage, energy work, healing touch technologies, Shiatsu, rehabilitation, pain relief and relaxation massage. Most colleges include courses such as anatomy and physiology, business and license procedure and contradictions and limitations. There are also courses about the health values of massage, hygiene, pathology, professional ethics, self-care, and theory of massage. A variety of specific techniques is usually taught, like chair massage, deep tissue massage, shiatsu, and Swedish. Additionally, some schools offer expertise on sports massage, infant massage, and trigger point or acupressure.
  2. Determine Prerequisites – There are very few prerequisites required for the average massage school, the principal one being a high school diploma.
  3. Identify Massage Licenses You Will Need – Keep in mind that a massage license is only valid in the state that you received a degree in. Massage Therapists are forbidden to practice in any other state. So, when choosing a school to make sure it is in the state you wish to practice in.
  4. Research Massage Schools and Costs – A positive attitude and a healthy appearance also help, and lead to school accepting you. Also, all schools have an admission department that will answer the calls and answer any questions. Feel free to ask about any concerns you may have, such as cost, career paths, and school details.
  5. Is the school Accredited? Do you want a higher standard education for your career? I cannot express enough how important is to go to a school which is accredited and our school European Medical School Of Massage it is Accredited by COMTA. You will see the difference. The quality of learning, the teachers level of knowledge, making sure you will get trained to pass the MBLEX test at the end and so on.

Please call our office for a tour of our school and start your new career in this amazing field of Medical Massage. Our phone number is 610.670.6100 or email us at