Student Outcomes
CONSUMER INFORMATION July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024
- Students admitted into the program (35)
- Students admitted within the next 12 months / new starts (16)
- Total number of students (51)
- Students graduated (21)
- Students currently enrolled (11)
- Students withdrew (3)
- Graduates placed in their field (16)*
- Graduate passing rate for state licensing 2023/2024 (75%) 28__students taking MBLEX _21__students passed
- Graduate passing rate for state licensing 2022/2023 (74.3%) 35_students taking MBLEX __26___students passed
- Graduates are working on a temporary permit. (0)
- Graduates employed who did not use the school’s placement system (0)
Graduates’ average starting salary ($30-$45/hour employed $65-$70/hour self-employed)
*12 students graduated on June 19, 2024. Job placement is not available in this award year.
Retention rates measure the percentage of first-time students who are seeking a diploma in Medical Massage Therapy and complete the program in 9 months
The overall graduation rate is also known as the “Student Right to Know” or IPEDS graduation rate. It tracks the progress of students who began their studies as full-time, first-time degree- or certificate-seeking students to see if they complete a degree or other award such as a certificate within 150% of “normal time” for completing the program in which they are enrolled.
Some institutions also report a transfer-out rate, which is the percentage of the full-time, first-time students who transferred to another school. European Medical School of Massage does not offer transfer preparatory programs.
Note that not all students at the institution are tracked for these rates. Students who have already attended another postsecondary institution, or who began their studies on a part-time basis, are not tracked for this rate. At this institution, 92% percent of entering students were counted as “full-time, first-time” in 2023-2024.
Completion/Graduation and Transfer-out Rates for Students Receiving Athletically Related Student Aid (Including Disaggregated Completion/Graduation Rates)
(European Medical School of Massage does not award athletically related student aid)
Related Student Aid (Including Disaggregated Completion/Graduation Rates) N/A
Placement in Employment
European Medical School of Massage has successfully placed all of our graduates for employment in spas, chiropractor offices, physical therapy clinics as well as many of our graduates have opened their businesses and are self-employed.
Job Placement Rates
European Medical School of Massage does not advertise job placement rates as a method to enroll prospective students.
Types of Graduate and Professional Education In Which the Institution’s Graduates Enroll