The following criteria must be met for acceptance and admission to European Medical School of Massage LLC

  1. High School Diploma or GED, or certificate equivalent. Must be 18 years of age at least one month prior to the start of class.
  1. Submit an essay expressing knowledge of Massage Therapy Industry and Career Goals.
  1. A Basic Skills Test will be given prior to the start of the course to assess the vocabulary and reading skills of the applicant. This is a standard grading system. A score of 80% is required to determine the applicant is at a 12th-grade reading level. There is no charge for this test. The essay mentioned above (#2) and the Basic Skills Test combined, will determine if the student is qualified to be accepted into the program.
  1. Proof of the United States legal residency.
  1. Physical exam clearance for the physical capacity to perform massage therapy.



  • Call the school to schedule a private interview.
  • All applicants must disclose any previous criminal history of up to 20 years that may potentially disqualify the applicant for state licensure. (Court summary or docket sheet)
  • Massage school requires students to give and receive massages as a method of instruction and learning. If accepted into the program and signing an enrollment agreement, you will be confirming you understand and are willing to participate in the program by giving and receiving massages from other students as well as the assigned instructor.
  • Must supply the school with a criminal background check through prior to acceptance into the program.
  • Submit an essay expressing knowledge of the Massage Therapy Industry and Career Goals. Approximately 250 words.
  • A Basic Skills Test will be given prior to the start of the course to assess the vocabulary and reading skills of the applicant. This is a standard grading system. A score of 75% is required to determine whether the applicant is at a 12th-grade reading level. There is no charge for this test. The essay mentioned above (#5) and the Basic Skills Test combined, will determine that the student is qualified to be accepted into the program.
  • Proof of the United States legal residency.
  • When the financials for the tuition are finalized, the student will be given all pertinent information required prior to the start of the program.
  • Complete a Physical Capacity Form
  • If enrollment is accepted, the student will be considered officially accepted and the student will be given the school catalog and will be given an enrollment agreement to be reviewed and signed.
  • A $150.00 application fee is required when enrollment is signed.
  • Student information will be needed to obtain student liability insurance will be included in the price of tuition and will provide for the student before the start of the program

For more information, please call our office at 610.670.6100 or email us at