§ 43b.23. Schedule of civil penalties—massage therapists—statement of policy.
Violation under 63 P. S. |
Violation under 49 Pa. Code Chapter 20 |
Title/Description |
Civil Penalty |
§ 20.42(a)(14) | Failure to display current license or wallet card. |
First offense—$50 Second and subsequent offenses—$250 |
§ 20.42(a)(15) | Failure to include massage therapy license number in advertisements. |
First offense—$50 Second and subsequent offenses—$250 |
§ 20.42(a)(16) | Failure to display name and title. |
First offense—$50 Second and subsequent offenses—$250 |
§ 627.6(b)(i) | Failure to hold current certification to administer CPR. | First offense—$50 Second offense—$250 Subsequent offense—formal action |
§ 627.6(b)(ii) | Failure to complete 24 hours of continuing education courses approved by the Board during the 24 months preceding license renewal. |
First offense—$100 per credit hour Second offense—formal action |
§ 627.14 | Holding oneself out as a massage therapist or practicing massage therapy while unlicensed. |
First offense—$500 Second offense—formal action |
§ 627.14(b) | Holding oneself out as a licensed massage therapist while license is expired. |
0—6 months—warning 7—12 months—$250 13—18 months—$500 19—24 months—$1,000 More than 24 months—formal action |
§ 627.14(e) | Practicing massage therapy on an expired license. | 0—6 months—warning 7—12 months—$250 13—18 months—$500 19—24 months—$1,000 More than 24 months— formal prosecution |
The provisions of this § 43b.23 adopted September 24, 2010, effective September 25, 2010, 40 Pa.B. 5478.
This section cited in 49 Pa. Code § 20.34 (relating to penalty for failure to complete continuing education).