Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals


We proudly announce European Medical School of Massage is part of Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals, our students have the choice to have liability coverage by ABMP.

Welcome to ABMP Student Life, brought to you by Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals. ABMP is the largest membership association serving massage and bodywork students, instructors, schools, and professional therapists in the country. Our goal is to give you the tools and resources you need to thrive—whether you’re a brand new student, a student about to graduate and take the MBLEx, a new professional taking your first steps in your career or a seasoned professional.

What is ABMP Student Life?

Sent by email every two weeks, ABMP Student Life connects you to information and resources you need now, while you’re a student. Use ABMP Student Life materials, videos, and resources to enhance your study skills, time management skills, and massage technique skills.


Each email includes a short feature article that supports your school success. For example, “Fun Study Methods that Work” outlines six key study methods you should use each week to master classroom content. “Methods that Make Learning Muscles Easier” shows you how to use a Muscle Graphic Organizer to capture and memorize muscle origins, insertions, and actions. Read these articles and download related classroom resources to improve your school experience.

Picked Fresh

The Picked Fresh section of each email connects you to study tools you can download and share with classmates and teachers. For example, use the Student Habit-Builder Checklist to develop the daily habits of a great student and the Study Planning Form to help you organize study sessions to keep you on track with homework assignments.


Don’t miss our Student Life videos, where the massage therapists on our ABMP team share their favorite techniques to reinforce the methods you’re learning in school. We’ll show you techniques like fantastic foot massage moves or face massage strokes that clients love.

Take 5

The Take 5 slide decks are fun, quick, and meant for sharing. They are designed to help you pick up useful tips for leading a healthy student lifestyle while decreasing school stress! We focus on overcoming the basic challenges and obstacles all students face. For example, “How to Keep Your Friends and Get Good Grades” reminds you to find a balance between socializing and school. And “Healthy Study Snacks” gives you options besides chips and soda at study time.

Exam Coaching

Throughout your training program, you might enjoy using ABMP Exam Coach. This interactive online test-prep program is a highly useful state-of-the-art study tool you can use to prepare for quizzes and examinations while you are still in school. As you get close to graduation, ABMP Exam Coach is indispensable as an aid to get ready for the MBLEx, the national test most states use to determine eligibility for licensure. Try a demo of ABMP Exam Coach here.

Thank you for joining us as part of the ABMP Student Life network. For more study resources, go to and log in with your student network email and password. If you have difficulty accessing your student resources, contact the ABMP education department at 800-458-2267—we’re here to help!

For more information, please go to